Mithun Mridha : The Biker I Envy

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If you read my blog post then you would know the story of how I met Suvro Sen, it was on that day I also met a biker whose name was popping over the Facebook for a very long time, a biker whom I envy most then anyone in Bangladesh, Mithun Mridha.

So the question is WHY! Well first of all straight out of the box you will see that he is SMART! He is a very sober person & always shows his kindness to others. 7-8 years back when the biking community was just a glass of water Mithun Mridha founded the stunt group Haunt Riderz.

I never saw him doing stunt without proper gears, he always talked about safety & always talked about safety gears. He is a very calm person and the people around him really like him a lot. He has a very good leadership quality.

These days he has retired from the bike stunt & became more a family guy but I do strongly beleieve that if he would have continued like his good old days today he should have been a good host for BikeBD Video Reviews.

Few months back I talked about my most favourite bike rider from Bangladesh & Mithun Mridha is the bike I envy a lot, a true Legend for the Bangladesh Biking Community. We are also thankful to him for acting as an Adviser for BikeBD.

2 thoughts on “Mithun Mridha : The Biker I Envy

  • Shadmaan Mahi June 18, 2020 at 9:28 pm

    The group name is Haunt Ryderz brother. I feel proud to become a member of Haunt Ryderz. He’s such a nice person and I like his personality.

  • Hasan SeeTuu : A Born Leader – Wasif Anowar September 1, 2020 at 4:12 am

    […] Mithun Mridha : The Biker I Envy […]

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