Happy 8th Anniversary of BikeBD

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So it been 2922 days of BikeBD! 8 years of journey which started with the opening of the website www.bikebd.com, the first motorcycle blog of Bangladesh.

It’s been an epic journey with lots of good, bad & ugly moments. The journey off course was started by Suvro Sen then later I came into the party in an unprecedented way.

Thanks Almighty Allah & our family members for their blessings, love & support dispite everything we made it this far.

I want to take this opportunityto thank all bikers & non bikers who read our articles at our website, all the Youtube Subscribers who enjoy watching our videos, all the followers at our Facebook Fan Page, all the BikeBD Facebook group members & finally our Instagram followers!

I am not sure where my Odyssey with BikeBD will end but Inshallah with the Love & Support of you all BikeBD will move forward a lot.

Website: http://www.bikebd.com/
Youtube Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/user/BikeBD/videos
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/bikebangladesh/
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bikebd/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bike.bd/

The Suvro Sen Story

Important Notice About BikeBD

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