Mad Max Tour of 2015 : An Unforgettable Odyssey

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In my 8 years of biking life I met with many top class bikers, although I was involved in few biking clubs activities but I was never a big fan, but it all changed in the tour of Max Mad 2015, an unforgettable odyssey.

It wasn’t until 2014 that I met few good bikers. Bikers who like me share the same mentality and probably has one thing common, never do I ever care attitude. There were bunch of people & we made few tours here & there but it wasn’t until 2015 December when it all came together to ribbon together into one of the best of my life.

Our small group, we call it Mad_Max (yes after the movie) given by Abu Talha was a group with few members but it was with Talha, Rizwan Ahmed, Sazzadur Rahman & Saleh Hassan I went for an adventure on the hill tracks between December 16 -19 of 2015.

You can read more details about this tour by clicking this link but I want to add something special about the final day. On the final day we started from Bandarban in the early morning, went to Nilgiri, then Alikodom (which back then was the highest motor able road in Bangladesh).

At that moment Alikodom was under construction we didn’t find all of tarmac, we came to Chokoria and crossed Chittagong city in the late evening. Then we started our journey back to Dhaka from Chittagong around 7 PM and reach Dhaka at 12:30 AM on the night of 20th December, total 530 km in 17.5 hours!

There are 3 tours which I will remember for a very long time in my life & yes this is one of them. I was lucky to ride those days with those 4 people & probably this tour made me a better rider.

Now most of us are busy with our personal life due to our time & every now & then we chat about it in facebook messanger but I can make one promise that in 2019 we will do something special for sure.

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